Monday, July 23, 2012


Mwanaume mmoja mwenye umri wa miaka 38 huko India aitwae Sohanial Chouhan ametajwa kuhusika kumfungia mke wake kufuli pamoja na kizibo kwenye sehemu zake za siri ili asitoe penzi kwa mtu mwingine.
Mwanamke huyo ambe aliolewa akiwa na umri wa miaka 16 aligundulika na hicho kifungo cha muda mrefu baada ya kwenda Hospitali kutibiwa kutokana na kunywa sumu ya panya, hapo ndio manesi wakagundua alikua amevishwa bati lenye kufuli.
Mrs Sitabai Chouhan alieishi na mwanaume huyo kwa miaka 19 kwenye ndoa, amesema kuanzia mwaka 2008 ndio mumewe alimfungia hilo kufuli ili kumzuia asikutane kimapenzi na mwanaume yeyote zaidi yake wakati yeye akiwa kazini, na kila asubuhi kabla ya kwenda kazini mwanaume huyo alikua akimfunga na kuziweka funguo kwenye soksi zake.
Hospitali alikolazwa mwanamke huyo iliita polisi ambao walimkamata mwanaume huyo ambae alimfungua mkewe kwa funguo alizokutwa nazo, police describe Chouhan as a mentally disturbed alcoholic.
Following his arrest, he tried justifying his actions, claiming that he became the custodian of his  wife’s vagina  because,  several women in his family had “strayed” in the past and he did not want his wife to do the same.
The normal chastity belts are made of garments that can be locked to stop the wearer from having sex and not by literally puncturing holes in the genitals for padlocks. When locked, the belt fits very securely to the body, both at the waist and the crotch. The belt has a slit for urinating at the crotch and absolutely nothing,  not even a finger can penetrate far enough for sexual pleasure. However,  it cannot be worn for a long period due to hygiene complications.

Love to hear what you think!